Postseason for a Professional Fan
Since 1912, baseball has been a major part of our neighborhood.
Fenway Park opened that April, and the Boston Red Sox went on to hang seven world champion pennants within its green walls.
The neighborhood has since grown into much more, of course. Restaurants and shops. Museums and universities. Fitness-forward and music-focused.
But those baseball roots are still very relevant today. As the Sox vie for that eighth banner, the neighborhood as a whole is hungry for another win. And we’ve got to do our part by being Professional Red Sox Fans.

We’ll assume you know the basics – single, strike, ball, inning, dugout, and so on. But this is post-season baseball. You need to do a deep dive into the baseball dictionary to really talk the talk.
Rally. When the Red Sox are behind (which we hope never happens), but they have men in scoring position. Do not leave your seat when this is happening, it’s bad luck.
Rally Cap. When the Red Sox are behind, have men in scoring position and you (the fan) wears your cap inside-out. You know, to do your part in helping them mount that comeback.
Ribbie. As in, JD Martinez will have a lot of ribbies, which is slang for RBIs (or runs-batted-in).
K. A strikeout. A backwards K is when the batter strikes out looking, rather than swinging.
Good eye. This is what you whisper under your breath when a Red Sox hitter avoids swinging at a ball. He probably can’t hear you, but it doesn’t hurt to try.
Strike out the side. A pitcher retires all three hitters in a half-inning by the way of the K.
Go Deep. Hit a homerun. Synonyms include: Go yard. Homer. Dinger. Touch ‘em all. Goner.
Walk off. A game ending hit. We only ever want this to happen at Fenway Park, for obvious reasons.

It probably goes without saying, but to be a Professional Fan, you must watch the game. From beginning to end. Even if that means chugging coffee to stay up past one in the morning. Professionals have to make sacrifices.
Watching from Fenway Park. Order your tickets immediately. Try to keep your jaw from dropping when you walk into a sold-out, World Series game.
Watching in a bar. Get there early or risk missing first-pitch. A total rookie mistake.
Watching at home. Prepare your couch with the perfect blanket-to-pillow ratio. Stock the fridge. Test the TV.

Step one is acting like a pro. Step two is dressing like one. No matter where you watch, you need to be decked out head-to-toe. Red Sox hats, jerseys, t-shirts, pullovers, jackets and pants are all acceptable attire. Extra points for wearing actual, official red SOCKS.

If you haven’t noticed, preparation is key. A Professional Red Sox Fan is ready for all scenarios. This is particularly important if you’re going to be in the neighborhood.
Be ready for road closures. Anticipate traffic. If you need a parking spot, get it in advance. Prepare for crowds.
And, most importantly, get ready to celebrate or mourn with fellow-fans. Mental preparation is the key to a good World Series.