• Fitness

Strength & Conditioning

Wednesday June 19 2024 6:00pm

Strength & Conditioning with Cam Barach at The Green 401 Park

At The Green 401 Park, Strength & Conditioning classes are all about getting you moving better, feeling stronger, and staying injury-free. With a mix of plyometrics, agility drills, mobility exercises, and core workouts, the program is perfect for anyone looking to step up their fitness game. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just getting started, Cam’s approach ensures that you’re working out safely and effectively.

What sets Down Under Yoga’s classes apart is the focus on quality and injury prevention. Cam makes sure everyone uses the right technique to maximize benefits and avoid setbacks. Plus, the workouts are designed to boost overall health, keeping you flexible, strong, and ready for anything. If you’re looking for a fun, comprehensive workout that covers all the bases, Cam’s Strength & Conditioning at The Green 401 Park is the way to go.

The Green at 401 Park
401 Park Drive
Boston, MA, 02215