Open Fenway: Entertainment
Summer in The Fenway looks a little different this year.
Instead of parking spots, the streets are lined with open-air patios. Instead of Red Sox caps, people are donning masks. Instead of large parties, we’re gathering in small groups (6-feet apart, of course).

Activities on The Green
But different can be good. The Fenway is still OPEN, after all. And we’re still going to entertain you this August, on our front lawn: The Green at 401 Park.
This year, safety is our priority. Fun is our goal. Fitness, music, and giveaways are all part of our plan.

Don’t worry if you decided to take a hiatus from exercise this spring. Summer is here now, and so are outdoor fitness classes.
We’re partnering with a fan favorite – The Handle Bar – to bring you MOVE and FLOW classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays this August. Just show up at The Green and let their expert instructors get you into shape.
It all starts August 6th. Grab your sneakers, a good water bottle, and check our events page for more dates, times and information.

Few things pair as well with a cold beer from Trillium Brewing Co. or a meal from Time Out Market than live, outdoor jams.
These aren’t large concerts. [No mosh pits. Socially-distanced dancing, only].
But if you want some safe and sound – pun intended – fun, we will have singer-songwriters and DJs at the park every other Friday beginning on August 7th for your listening pleasure.

In July, we dropped 14 different, secret giveaways. That’s 14 winners and 14 gift cards to local shops and restaurants.
We’re back with more this month. And we’re upping the challenge.
This time, we’re announcing 4 dates and nothing else. We’ll drop multiple giveaways on those days, at the times and places of our choosing.
Joining our email list and following along on Instagram and Facebook will give you a leg up, though.
Make sure to tune in every Thursday:
- August 6
- August 13
- August 20
- August 27
4 dates, 17 winners. Hope you’re one of them – good luck!