Backstage at The Verb Hotel
An unforgettable overnight destination for guests seeking the unconventional—luxury trailers with plush beds, relaxed seating areas and outdoor patios.
1271 Boylston Street
boston, ma 02215

About Backstage at The Verb Hotel
Welcome to Backstage—an urban hotel experience located at The Verb Hotel in Boston’s Fenway neighborhood. Backstage at The Verb Hotel is an unforgettable overnight destination for guests seeking the unconventional—luxury trailers with plush beds, relaxed seating areas and outdoor patios ideally tucked between the hotel and Boston’s beloved Fenway Park. Designed to reflect the adventure of life on the road, this enclave of ten custom-crafted, stationary trailers offer exclusive overnight amenities while treating guests to an “all access pass” to this outdoor experience in the heart of the city.